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Carm Fogt

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Medium: Mixed Media on rice paper



Carm Fogt was initially drawn to Asian art and design during

an eclectic art class and so pursued Chinese Brush Painting with various

teachers in Southern California. Though decidedly an abstract painter,

Fogt incorporates Chinese calligraphy as a way to bring the essence of

Asian elegance to her work. For more than 25 years, Fogt has studied with

Chinese master artists and calligraphers in both China and the U.S. and was

honored to study at the International College of the China Academy of Art,

in Hangzhou, in 2006. She works exclusively on rice paper using Chinese ink and

watercolors, along with various other media.

Her website is


Contact info:


Website: Inchiostro Studio

Facebook: Inchiostro Studio Carm Fogt

Instagram: carmierae

05Destiny I copy
Fogt-Destiny IX
22 Changes III copy
14 Catch A Break copy
02-a Stormy Weather copy
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